As a public school, Mountainville Academy is open to all students without admission requirements, except, in accordance with statute:
Children must turn five (5) on or before September 1st of the school year in order to enroll in Kindergarten. Applications received for children who are not old enough to attend school for the school year they are applying for will not be accepted.
Any student who has been expelled from any school, including Mountainville Academy, during the preceding 12 months may be denied enrollment.
Open Enrollment is a specified and limited time when the school begins to accept applications, more commonly known as Lottery Applications, for the next school year. The Lottery is a random selection of students to be admitted when the number of applicants during Open Enrollment exceeds the number of spaces available in a particular grade.
Open Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is being conducted November 1, 2024 through January 1, 2025. Our lottery will be on January 2, 2025 and results will be emailed out within 48 hours of the lottery.
Yes. After the initial Open Enrollment and Lottery, the school will continue to accept Lottery Applications until fall. New Lottery Applications received after the closing date of the Open Enrollment period will not be entered into the lottery, but will be processed in the order in which they are received and added to the bottom of the upcoming school year wait-list in the appropriate grade/priority AFTER all lottery students and accepted as enrollment openings become available.
Because of the fluctuating number of students applying for a limited number of openings in the school on a daily basis, this cannot be determined. Additionally, it is not possible to predict when and how many student openings may occur during the year, or the number of students who will accept or decline an offer of admission, all of which contribute to the rate in which movement is made through the waitlist.
Some applicants are eligible to receive preferential enrollment. If you are a founding parent of the school, or a licensed teacher employed by the school, or you have another child who is already attending the school, your child is eligible for preferential enrollment. By law, preference cannot be given for extra volunteer hours, services, special favors, or monetary donations.
Because of the lottery process which is used each year to determine admission, Mountainville Academy cannot maintain wait-lists for classes beyond the current school year. If your student has not been accepted to the school during the year and you wish to continue to be considered for enrollment, you will need to submit a new Lottery Application and undergo the lottery process again for the following year.
If you submitted a Lottery Application any time prior to November 1, 2024 you will need to submit a new Lottery Application in order to be considered for the 2025-2026 school year.
You will be contacted via email and/or a telephone call. Mountainville Academy is not responsible for outdated contact information or the inability to contact you; it is your responsibility to ensure that the school has your current contact information and to respond in a timely manner to an offer of admission. The status of any child whose parent cannot be contacted or is non-responsive within a designated time period will be changed from "accepted" to "declined enrollment" and the space will be offered to another child.
Please send the updated information to Kristen Barnes. If you do not receive a response acknowledging your update, you should call the school at (801) 756-9805 to confirm that your update was received.
Absolutely. It would be our privilege to talk with you about the school, answer any questions you may have, and take you on a tour of our facility. To schedule an appointment, please email Kristen Barnes or call the school at (801) 756-9805.
To transfer to Mountainville Academy you need to complete a Lottery Application. To transfer from Mountainville Academy to another school, you need to fill out a withdraw paper in the front office indicating the last day of attendance at Mountainville. Once we receive a records request from the new school, records will be transferred within a week of receiving the request.
No. Parents wishing to re-enroll their currently registered and attending students need only submit returning student and update forms to renew their registration information in the spring for the following school year.